I Dint VOTE! I Am A Cipher!

  • Vote for Change!
  • Get Out And Vote!
  • Be The Change, Go Vote!
  • Remember 30th April!

Realizing sincerely and early that one has to be the CHANGE rather than just asking for one, I have been trying to become an above average citizen by doing my bit for the CHANGE that we are all craving so much for. The dhobi list of things that I have been getting myself into in context with the ELECTIONS 2009, since the past few weeks has been endless…

  • Went to “Know Your Candidate” Sessions
  • Attended the JAAGO RE Session in Dadar
  • Made a full research of the 23/24 candidates of our Mumbai South Constituency. Even went to the level of understanding the kind of Criminal Records that some of our candidates had.
  • Added Myself into almost every community related to Chembur on ORKUT , trying to force regular Election News and induce the “VOTE for a Change” mood into the members!
  • Blogged my way into everything that just mentioned the “E” word.
  • Preached to friends and relatives about importance of Voting.

as I said … It is a dhobi List .. It is end less!

Captions Log , Star date: 30 04 2009 , 06:00 hours , VOTING DAY:-
Finally!!! The V-Day. It was almost like an endless rush of adrenalin in me. I nearly felt like a proud Indian who was finally going to get to serve his country. Got up at the first ring of my alarm clock ( which has never happened before) , Fresh and equipped with my “VOTERS ID”, I walked out, with pumped up chest, running the list of candidates through my head for final check, before I could press that crucial button on the Ballot Machine, believing that ” My Vote” was the deciding vote for our COUNRTY .
I flashed my “Voters ID” at the Booth Level Officer , almost as if it was a pass conferring, my diplomatic immunity to enter any port of this world, let alone a polling booth outside my society I had lived for life. The bubble burst…”Tumcha Nav Nahin Aahe!!!”. These four words just sucked the life out of me.

NO NAME ON VOTERS LIST ! How is that possible … ” I HAVE A VOTERS ID !!!! ” I frantically searched for my identity in the entire list, both English and Hindi lists, and of other Poll Booths too 🙂 , hoping that it would have been jumbled around or may be I might have been assigned to a different Father/Family or something (Jokes apart …. My Father’s , fathers name, on his list is some weird name having no relation what-so-ever)… I was like “Jason Bourne” trying to find “WHO I WAS , WHERE I WAS” . The tragic ending to my story was that there was NO HOPE for me. I gave up almost after an hour + later …

Completely Embarrassed and Lost. On my walk back home, I was totally deflated, I felt like people were looking through me … I WAS A CIPHER… A NOBODY!!!! (I never wanted to believe, when my wife used to tell me that 🙂 … NOW it is officially proved)

PS. I have a VOTERS ID for sale…!