Is Hair Loss a big SECRET Theory too?
- Many of us would surely believe some kind of theory for creation or evolution of Mankind. Most of us who look at life with a little deeper understanding would surely agree that every creation around us, right from so called highly intelligent people to smallest creatures or any natural creation, Like say micro organisms , weeds, insects etc., has a meaning for its existence. The way humans are created or evolved is one of the most interesting points to ponder .Me being a bit silly, has been wondering, why would a man be born with no or little hair ,then grow some like crazy for a while, so much so, that it would need heavy maintenance and then start shedding it just on the scalp , but still keep growing like crazy on rest of parts.
- Also , if law of attraction(the secret) were true, shouldn’t the power of manifestation of strong desires result in a full head of hair with so many middle.aged people wanting some hair on their heads ?
This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 16th, 2017 at 6:20 pm