SUMI E : Day 5,6 … definite progress!
Actually there was no day 5 . I was pretty busy yesterday to  do any practice but  Day 6 was fruitful. The drawings today are definitely showing progress , but still no where close to the  real thing.  Im already begining to feel the need for some books , proper Chinese Ink and Brushes and ofcourse some Rice paper.  What you can see below is using the school grade  water colors on photo copier paper.  I must move on to cartridge sheets atleast.  This weekend I’m planing to visit town to hunt for near authentic materials … Im getting closer you see! …Â
PS…. and I made my signature look like chinese too 🙂 …and Everybody who wants to get considered for receiving a FREE  masterpeice, consider joining this site  now (on the right …) !!!! 🙂 … Â