Jan 13 2010

Brush Painting Update …

Well! I had to prove the point that I was serious about brush painting  and it wasn’t just a passing phase.

Here’s a few of my 2010 work . Please leave comments … need more  encouragement.  Also might give away some painting to the person posting the BEST COMMENT 🙂 ( leave your email)

I have posted  few photos here … rest of the stuff is on Flickr  ( View my painting on Flickr)

Plum Tree

Plum Tree



Calla Lillies

Calla Lillies



Moonlighting Bamboo

Moonlighting Bamboo



3 Anthuriums

3 Anthuriums















Jul 5 2009

Chinese Brush Painting Update

Needless to say the , from the pictures below , it is understood that Im heading northwords with my chinese brush paintings …. Thank U , Thank U!!! … There is still a lot to improve on, though. Then I have to progress to painitng  animals and birds too.
Meanwhile, believe it or not I’m happy to say  that I have already sold almost a dozen my paintings for almost $25 ( Rs. 1100) a peice …  No Kidding! Cool Haan!

These are paintings from the month of June and July ….. Comments Please!!!!


Apr 24 2009

Sumi-E Day 7 … Just Practicing

Nothing to say … Still have to get some material… maybe tomw …!!!! tried out a few techniques like the moon and shilouette one … Oh Yeah!  i had to point this out … the actual painting doesn’t  look as good , until it is mounted onto a proper photoframe … 


Apr 23 2009

SUMI E : Day 5,6 … definite progress!

Actually there was no day 5 . I was pretty busy yesterday to  do any practice but  Day 6 was fruitful. The drawings today are definitely showing progress , but still no where close to the  real thing.  Im already begining to feel the need for some books , proper Chinese Ink and Brushes and ofcourse some Rice paper.  What you can see below is using the school grade  water colors on photo copier paper.  I must move on to cartridge sheets atleast.  This weekend I’m planing to visit town to hunt for near authentic materials … Im getting closer you see! … 

PS…. and I made my signature look like chinese too 🙂 …and Everybody who wants to get considered for receiving a FREE  masterpeice, consider joining this site  now (on the right …) !!!! 🙂 …  


Apr 20 2009

Day 3/4 of SUMI E…

I seem to have definitely improved on my SUMI E talents on the Day 3 and 4 . Getting a bit close to the INK and WASH harmony of the SUMI E paintings 🙂 … Aint I? Oh Well! Please! Its not bad for a beginner … Look at the difference between my earlier strokes with these … much lighter and smoother . I tried to ink wash some Gold Fishes too…

dsc02074 dsc02073dsc02080dsc02079

Apr 20 2009

Glass Painting … Just a doodle

You know what… any bold doodle and a variety of glass colors on a plain white transparent bottle, looks like a masterpiece, really… I would say, this is some art, that every who awe’s over other peoples art forms, thinking ” I can never create anything as interesting as that one … ” TRY THIS … really!
No twaddle…The day before Smita and I tried some. She did the more interesting one… the one with Mehendi sort of design. I did try and incorporate my Chinese INK and WASH techniques here too 🙂

PS. Thanks to Shivani and Aneri to introduce us to this interesting passtime!


Apr 17 2009

I like Chinese Painting, Try It!

Been thinking about trying hands on water color painting for a long while now, but sincerely thought that it could never be my forte.
An old A4 size cartridge sheet drawing book,  a few small paint brushes ,  A palate of cheap school water colors ( borrowed from my 7 year old Nephew) ,  a few tutorials on YouTube , a little patience, two sleepless nights  and little hardwork LATER …. here are the results . Not as good, but Im quite chuffed. There is scope for improvement … :)!

I quite liked and recommend Chinese painting because it seems easy to follow and results are quick ( as you can already see).
Next Task : Painting on Glass Bottles !!!!  … Tomorrow!surely!