Sep 18 2007

Mirror Mirror On The Wall…

You should be happy with what you see in the mirror


Whatever you are , whoever you are , you have to be happy with yourself …. else you will turn into one miserable git.  We always feel good and flattered, when other say a few good words about us. Similarly , we are motivated and confident if we feel good about ourself.
Get up in morning , Look into the mirror, smile and say good about yourself to yourself …. TRY IT! and see the difference in just a few days.

“The most reliable person u’ll ever know is your self”


Apr 8 2007

Variety is the Spice of Life

Want variety in your Life?…Change yourself!


Also …

Its easier to change overselves


Jul 27 2006

Love Thy Neighbours

People around us are only as good as we are!


Jul 24 2006

Relativity Theory of happiness

Happiness is a relative term. You can be happy only when people around you are happy. 


Corollary :

You can only be as happy as people around you are.


Jun 18 2006

They are trying too

Don’t despise the people who are pulling you down, they might be just trying to reach where you have.


Jun 12 2006

Life is about giving


Learn More to Earn More …Earn More to Burn More.


Everyone cannot earn … espcially children. And I guess , I dont have to give statistics of Children in Need … Remember to do your bit for CRY, UNICEF, CHILDREN in NEED, EHSAAS etc, TODAY

Mar 11 2006

Who is the most difficult one to please?

For any person, he himself is the most difficult person to please!


Mar 8 2006

Life Actually Has No Meaning

Life actually has no meaning

What I mean is, sometimes we all should just live life  as it comes to you… If we try to find meaning in everything, then we get no time to live it… we loose the fun bit.

Also …

Meaning of life is what you make of it …


Dad’s addition to the philosophy :-

Once upon a time , a teacher – puplil conversation…
Teacher : “Why do you have to study ?”
Pupil :  “ To pass in the exams.”
Teacher : “Why do you want to pass in the exams?”
Pupil : “To get a nice job.”
Teacher : “Why do you want to get a nice job?”
Pupil : “To make lots of money.”
Teacher : “Why do you want lots of money?”
Pupil : “To have a nice life.”
Teacher : ”Why do you want to live?”

Normally! we never think, why we exist. Think for a while , I’ll give my answer some day….watch this space.

Feb 12 2006

Sixth Element

Did I ever…
Say how much I love the Air around, that keeps me alive,
thank the Fire, that kept me warm, express gratitude to the Water that quenched my thirst a million times, Kiss the Earth, for giving me life, and will give me a place to rest, did I ever thank the Space in which I exist…

Maybe, I always took all these elements for granted,
Maybe, I never said how much I cared,
Maybe, I dint say how much I love you,
But… I want you to know that you are my Sixth Element
And I just couldn’t exist without YOU.

… Nikhil (23 November 2003)

Nov 18 2005

What Is Ones Total Networth?

Your total NETWORTH includes the fortunes of people you have positively influenced
